About Us


The Standards of Excellence Academy (the Academy) makes advanced learning opportunities accessible to more southern Nevadans by providing training and certification programs. The Academy offers students a gateway to career advancement in jobs and occupations that are in demand.


The Standards of Excellence Academy is a non-profit school, established in 2014 by Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Janet Blumen. The organization, also known as the Academy, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow (FIT) and provides vocational education leading to industry recognized credentials. The Academy is accredited by the Nevada Commission on Post-Secondary Education and recognized by the Nevada State Board of Nursing.

Founder Message – Janet Frasier Blumen

Being properly educated has always been a requirement to get, and keep, a good job.  What that required education consists of, however, has changed over the years.  At one time it was enough if a new employee simply showed up for the first day of work ready and willing to learn the job.  Employers taught new hires through on-the-job apprenticeships how to perform their duties.

That may have worked when jobs were simpler, equipment not nearly so technological or advanced and skills more readily transferable.  In today's increasingly technological world, those on-the-job apprenticeships, are rare and disappearing.

Today’s employer almost universally requires that a potential employee have some sort of qualifying credential.  It may not be enough to go to a trade school.  The applicant needs to demonstrate that they mastered the skills taught by passing a certification test.  Not only that: the certification tests required by most employers are not a final exam that follows the conclusion of a class.  They are the industry recognized certifications that are offered through organizations such as the Manufacturing Skills Council, the Nevada State Board of Nursing and the IVES Training Group.

That is exactly the education that someone entering the Academy can look forward to.  All of our classes lead to industry recognized credentials.  Each of these establishes the extent of learning the student has achieved through completion of their Standards of Excellence Academy courses.

We welcome you to the Academy. We believe that your experience will establish you on a career path leading to meaningful employment that you can enjoy throughout your professional career.


Media Contacts

Janet Frasier Blumen, Founder & CEO
Crystal Garland, Executive Assistant