We would like to express thanks to our parents, family and friends for all their love and support. Thank you for sharing this special day with us!
Graduation Ceremony Program
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Janet Blumen, Founder and CEO
Standards of Excellence Academy
Commencement Speech
Debra Granger, M.Ed., Ed.D.(c)
Presentation of Proclamations & Graduation Certificates
Ron Browne, Automotive Instructor
Joan Dizon, CNA Instructor
Debra Granger, Phlebotomy
Eric Miller, CDL-A Lead Instructor
Closing Remarks
Janet Blumen, Founder and CEO
Standards of Excellence Academy
Tree Pinning Ceremony
Each graduate will recieve a Leaf with their name to be added to the Tree of Success
Automotive Technology
(in partnership with Findlay Automotive Group)
Bryan Garibay
Antione Hall
Roberto Luna
Raquel Mendoza
Marc-Anthony Sampila
Molly Schmaltz
Certified Nursing Assistant
Class #1
Richard Rosales
Aiyana Welch
Aniecia Williams
Class #2
Khayla Brown
Hassanah Fuller
Shyanne Johnson
Andrea Mendoza
Sophia Murphy
Chasity Parker
Class #3
Hilda Arroyo
Elba Becerra
Tammy Bland
Marian Chen
Dana Famy
Raphael Pallasigui
Deandre Simmons
Edward Dunbar
Brandon Green
Vernell Johnson
Joshua Smith
Armando Torres
Monika Carrillo
Latrice Cullum-Jones
Chaurita Martin
Catherine Mayers
Candace Miller
Ebony Moten
Yvette Reid
Connie Solis
Shantil Turner